Immersive learning has easily become the preference of the modern workforce. If you’ve been keeping up with cutting-edge industry trends like AR and VR, it’s likely that your organization will earn the proud badge of being an industry leader. Well done! Your passion for innovative solutions has planted the seed that will optimize the potential of your business.
Now that extended reality is part of the mainstream lexicon, more L&D professionals are prepping to channel their business growth with XR training. Your future workforce needs investment now, so they might need a playful nudge backed up by facts. With convincing statistics, organizations are integrating digital technologies into their learning ecosystems sooner.
Say no more – we are here to help.
Companies of all sizes are investing in digital technology to deliver a lasting learning impact.
Fully immersive learning experiences give realistic previews of roles and hone the learn by doing philosophy, allowing learners to make mistakes in a safe environment. By leveraging common devices like smartphones and tablets, augmented reality is making experiential learning accessible to learners with little to no usability learning curve. AR programs deliver safe experiential learning that drives workforce efficiency, from microlearning to interactive just-in-time performance support. It’s safe to say VR and AR training is shaping the next generation of the workforce.
You already know that XR training transforms the way people learn, but how can you gain buy-in without numbers to back it up? We’ve put together a list of VR & AR training statistics you need to know to help the right people tune in.
Statistics You Need to Know
1. XR training builds the confidence of your workforce. Learners are up to 275% more confident to act on what they learned after VR training.
Confidence may be one of the strongest determinants of employee retention. Proficiency and confidence go hand and hand when it comes to optimizing performance. Confident employees are simply more productive. Widespread confidence connects the workforce to their organization in a positive way, amplifying their value and contribution. Confident employees also motivate others, creating a ripple effect in your organization’s company culture.
2. XR training accelerates time to proficiency. VR learners train 4x faster than traditional classroom training. Think about what that can do for your onboarding program.
In any training program, time efficiency matters. By accelerating onboarding, organizations cut waiting time and the costs associated with prolonged training. The rates at which learners become proficient in their roles highlight the learning effectiveness of VR.
3. VR is here to stay! 82% of company executives say immersive technologies will be part of their business model in the next three years, with 42% planning to provide onboarding and training with the metaverse.
Business leaders are hyper-focused on what the metaverse can do for their onboarding programs. VR is no longer a trending novelty utilized by the top 1% – it’s being adopted by businesses everywhere. XR’s growing integration in the business sector means enterprise VR and AR are here to stay.
4. People recall information better after learning through virtual reality.
Your training program won’t go far without knowledge retention. Just ask the University of Maryland. When they analyzed the educational use of VR, they found that VR not only improved learning outcomes and high proficiency training but that learners reported better focus and scored higher recall ability. It’s rooted in the science of learning. VR immersive learning activates new neural pathways in the brain and engages learners better than traditional modes of training.
5. The 2022 Training Industry Report notes that while midsize companies use more AR and VR than small or large companies, they spend the least on training costs, underscoring the scalability factor of XR training.
If you ever have apprehension about new-to-market solutions, it’s wise to see how it’s working out for others. We get it, technology is a fast-moving train, so caution is understandable. According to Training Industry’s numbers, businesses using VR and AR the most are actually spending the least. Not only are they ahead of the curve for modern training practices, but they are reaping the financial benefits of doing so.
6. XR training delivers strong employee engagement. In a 2022 Cox Communications VR pilot program, 100% of learners said they would use VR training again.
Learner-centric training programs deliver meaningful results that impact your organization at every level. VR training programs receive an overwhelmingly positive reaction, further suggesting that learning satisfaction is closely tied to the experiences that can be delivered in training. Say goodbye to the dull and uninspired employees that left the training with a dazed expression. Employees are thrilled to partake in the XR training revolution!
7. There are 110.1 million AR users in the U.S.
People use augmented reality every day without realizing it. Whether it be through games or social media, AR’s usability is easily the most discreet and widespread form of extended reality. Imagine how this can translate into a training program. AR is a conduit for conveying familiarity with XR. AR’s accessibility is a large factor in predicting how relevant AR programming will be in the next three years of XR corporate training.
8. The number of U.S. jobs that use AR or VR is projected to reach 2.32 million by 2030.
Augmented and virtual reality programs are proven to be essential tools in adult learning. XR training programs deliver effective onboarding, performance support, and upskilling opportunities to your workforce. Who knew innovation could be so conventional? The presence of XR programs across industries will be even more common in years to come.
9. 47% of Americans are familiar with VR. (Hint: this includes your incoming workforce).
If you’re looking to attract the next generation of the workforce, engaging them with technology that are familiar with can secure a great impression and long-lasting employment. Remember, people want to upskill, and technology is already an existing part of their everyday life. It’s only logical to utilize AR and VR programs to capture the attention of prospective employees.
10. Nearly 80% of companies in Brandon Hall Group’s Transforming Learning for the Future of Work survey say that the metaverse will have at least some impact on their learning strategy.
We’ve seen a huge cultural shift happen that influences the way organizations invest in their employees. Whether it’s honoring work/life balance, delivering upskilling opportunities, or integrating modern practices, company culture is front and center when people select employers. The future of work is rooted in pairing innovation with the principles of learning to deliver experiential training.
Action Steps to Take
Are you ready to make learning a priority at your organization? Identifying what action steps to take before integrating AR and VR training programs takes some number crunching. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!
Take a look at our Training Goals and Metrics Calculator to help determine the value of your training program before integrating VR or AR.
Once you’re ready to integrate XR technologies into your training program, create a clear action plan aligned with big-picture business objectives and a solid place to start. We hope our list of statistics will help you make informed decisions and where to prioritize training. Here are additional action steps to take.
Set your business goals
Identify performance gaps
Create learning objectives
Select a modality
Share your findings to gain buy-in
Pilot a program
We can’t wait to see where AR and VR training takes your organization. By leveraging XR technology to optimize learning, your organization will cultivate a thriving workforce that sticks around for the next chapters of your company’s growth. The stats say it all!Want to see some examples? Check out our Training and Development channel.