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What Is Game-Based Learning? Less Than 100 Words

Game-based learning (GBL) is a learning model that presents educational content or learning principles through interactive games. This approach allows learners to “practice by doing” and incentivizes learners to complete their training by working toward goals. 

More commonly instituted in the context of student learning in the classroom, game-based learning reflects a similar method to training as gamification by making the training itself a game, while gamification solely integrates game elements into training.  

Gamification integrates game elements (e.g. awards, badges, and leaderboards) in a non-game context, while game-based learning transforms core training content and learning objectives into games that motivate and engage employees.

Ready to learn more about game-based learning? First, let’s define game-based learning and then dive into the differences between game-based learning and gamification.

Game-Based Learning vs. Gamification

While gamification is the process of integrating game elements (e.g. awards, badges, and leaderboards) in a non-game context, game-based learning makes the training itself a game. Game-based learning turns core training content and learning objectives into games in order to incentivize employees to complete their training. 

More commonly instituted in the context of student learning in the classroom, game-based learning reflects a similar method to training as gamification by making the training itself a game. Gamification, on the other hand, is more commonly used in the context of professional corporate training.

Gamification integrates game elements (e.g. awards, badges, and leaderboards) in a non-game context, while game-based learning transforms core training content and learning objectives into games that motivate and engage employees. 

What Is Game-Based Learning?

Game-based learning (GBL) is a learning model that presents educational content or learning principles through interactive games. This approach allows learners to “practice by doing” and incentivizes learners to complete their training by working toward goals. 

Game-based learning directly impacts knowledge retention and engagement levels by making training both interactive and entertaining for learners. As new technologies and software for training continue to advance, game-based learning has become easier to accomplish in a training setting. 

For example, organizations can present training to learners in the form of an adventure that they follow. The learner becomes the main protagonist and travels to different stops on the map that cover various concepts relevant to their role. Each stop may incorporate different interactive tasks the learner must complete before moving to the next destination. 

4 Benefits Of Game-Based Learning

  1. Increases Knowledge Retention — When learners are actively engaged in their learning process through well-designed games, they’re more likely to remember information. Instead of passively learning, learners must complete hands-on activities and accomplish specific tasks to complete their training. 
  2. Encourages Participation — Game-based learning encourages participation and will likely result in a higher completion rate as learners are more motivated to engage with key learning concepts. The more activities learners complete, the better their understanding of the subject will be. 
  3. Creates Goal-Oriented Training — With game-based learning, learners work toward smaller set goals that conveniently break up training into more attainable goals. Through active problem-solving and critical thinking, learners feel a sense of accomplishment after each goal is achieved. 
  4. Employees Learn From Mistakes — Just like a video game, learners make mistakes, repeat activities, and learn the correct responses. This prepares learners for the real world by giving them opportunities to correctly complete tasks before applying them to their role. 

Let The Games Begin

Who said learning can’t be fun? Game-based learning and gamification drive learning engagement and foster a culture of goal-oriented, interactive training.