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AR Plane Detection And 3 Advantages That Come With Its Use

What if you could place a digital version of a life-sized car right in front of you? What about a motor or engine? Well, you can with augmented reality (AR) plane detection. 

AR plane detection places a digital 3D model on a real-world flat surface, like a tabletop or floor. AR plane detection comes with several benefits, including:

  • Places A Full-Scale 3D Model In Front Of Learners — The major advantage of AR plane detection is that it places a true-to-size model in front of learners.
  • Learners Can Isolate And Manipulate Individual Parts — With AR plane detection, learners can walk around, inspect, rotate, and practice operating on their digital object.
  • Access From Anywhere — As long as learners have connection to the app and the appropriate device, like a tablet or mobile device, they can place the digital object in front of them, regardless of where they’re located. 

This is the second installment of Exploring The 3 AR Technologies. Part 2 of this series focuses on AR Plane Detection, discusses its pros and cons, and explores two examples of how you can use this technology in your own training program.

Plane detection is one of three AR technologies that can be utilized in your organization’s AR training program. 

With a unique set of benefits, AR plane technology can transform your training by giving learners access to realistic 3D objects they’ll encounter on the job. 

Let’s check out all that AR plane detection has to offer! 

Read More: What is Augmented Reality Training? Everything You Need to Know

What Is AR Plane Detection?

AR plane detection, also known as AR plane object breakaway, lets learners place a 3D model of any object onto a tabletop or floor surface in front of them. They can then rotate the object, break the object apart to view internal components, and get detailed information — or even find step-by-step instructions — on how to repair or install the object. 

By simply pointing their device in front of them, learners can produce a full-scale model of a large machine or object that they can walk around, inspect, and practice operating on.

Read More: How to Develop Augmented Reality Training for Your Company

Pros And Cons Of AR Plane Detection

AR plane detection comes with a variety of benefits, including:

  • Places A Full-Scale 3D Model In Front Of Learners — The major advantage of AR plane detection is that it places a true-to-size digital model in front of learners. The object and its parts are all developed according to scale, which better prepares learners for a real-life encounter with the object.
  • Learners Can Isolate And Manipulate Individual Parts — With AR plane detection, learners can walk around, inspect, rotate, and practice operating on their digital object. For example, a learner could place an engine in front of them and explore where the individual pieces of the engine are, as well as read more information and watch videos about each piece. 
  • Access From Anywhere — As long as learners have connection to the app and the appropriate device, like a tablet or mobile device, they can place the digital object in front of them regardless of where they’re located. This allows for more accessible learning.

Along with these benefits comes several disadvantages, such as:

  • Anchoring Issues — Users could experience anchoring issues depending on the tools and application they’re using. This means that learners may face drifts when anchoring their digital object. When they walk around and interact with it, it may not stay stable in its positioning in reference to the learner.
  • Glitches — As with any AR technology, learners could potentially face glitches. Glitches could occur when resizing, walking around, and rotating the 3D object. 

Read More: Big 4 Virtual Learning Constraints And How To Conquer Them

2 Examples Of AR Plane Detection In Training

Engine Training

In this example, learners begin by placing the digital engine on either a tabletop surface or the floor. After scanning the surface with a tablet, learners anchor the engine in front of them. They can adjust the engine however they’d like by rotating it, shrinking or enlarging it, and raising or lowering its placement. 

Once the engine is set in place, learners can select any of the blue pieces, like the fuel rail pressure sensor or fuel filter, read text about the function of that specific part, and watch informational videos with tips regarding its use.

This training scenario occurs in a risk-free environment. Learners can complete this program from anywhere at any time and learn by interacting with the simulated engine and its parts. This operational training prepares learners for the use and repair of real-life equipment they will encounter when on-the-job.

Data Center Training

This simulation uses AR plane technology for data center training. After scanning the floor, learners anchor a life-size piece of computing and networking equipment in front of them. 

With this piece of equipment, learners can walk around it and examine its parts in detail. They will feel as though they’re actually in a data center with this piece of equipment in front of them. 

This training utilizes microlearning by focusing on one piece of large machinery that learners can explore and study. Learners can examine this computing hardware unit and learn about the reliability and security of such equipment. This prepares learners for equipment they’ll experience on the job and avoids the risk of damaging it. 

The Sky’s The Limit With AR Plane Detection!

This article has covered everything you need to know about AR plane detection. AR plane detection offers a unique learning experience that can take your AR training program to new heights. 
Are you ready to start planning your AR training program or want to learn more about AR, check out our resources today.