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Why Is Training For Entry-Level Employees Important At My Organization?

Did you know organizations that offer comprehensive training programs have a 218% higher income per employee than organizations without formalized training? 

Investments in training for your workforce have an immense impact on the retention and productivity rates of your employees. Carefully crafted training programs that start on day 1 for an entry-level employee and continue throughout their employee lifecycle can help your organization grow long-term employees that support your organizations’ growth.

We’ve created comprehensive training programs that boost employee productivity and retention for organizations around the globe. At Roundtable Learning, we see the value that training programs bring to both employees themselves and their organizations across different industries.

This article will explore why entry-level employee training is important, two major benefits that come with training entry-level employees, and key training topics entry-level employees must be trained in. 

Why Is Training Important For Entry-Level Employees?

Think about your first job out of school. You were new to the working world and came into your job with little to no professional experience. Although you may not have known the office social norms, you were eager to learn. Perhaps you still use some of the skills you learned back then in your current role today. 

Regardless of the training topic, when organizations invest in the growth and development of their entry-level workforce, their employees will:

  • Feel more connected to their organization
  • Be better prepared, informed, and confident on-the-job
  • Typically stay at their organization longer

Training at all levels, whether it’s for entry-level or tenured employees, offers organizations a strategic advantage directly tied to employee turnover and productivity. Trained employees typically feel more confident on-the-job, leading to higher levels of productivity and retention. 

Why Don’t Organizations Invest In Entry-Level Employee Training?

Now you may be wondering, if training for entry-level employees is so important, why aren’t more organizations investing in it? One word: cost

Organizations may be wary to invest in entry-level training because they would rather focus their money elsewhere on more tangible elements. Luckily, we’ve found that investing in an entry-level employee training program actually saves organizations money by growing long-term employees from the ground up and reducing employee turnover. 

Download: Your Employee Lifecycle Matters

The Two ‘T’ Benefits Of Training Entry-Level Employees

Investments in training for entry-level employees is a wise financial decision that benefits both the organization and their employees. Let’s break these benefits down into our two “T” categories: Turnover and Talent. 


The average cost to replace an employee typically ranges between 50-60% of their salary, so it’s no wonder organizations are looking for ways to retain their employees. 

Training does exactly that. 

When entry-level employees are given opportunities to grow through training: 

  • They’ll expand their skillset
  • Feel more confident on-the-job
  • Develop trust with their organization

This results in employees that are more likely to stay at their organization, which can potentially save hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars annually. 

Employee turnover is reduced by investing in training for entry-level employees because organizations build a workforce that is more confident in their role and engaged in their work, making them more likely to stay at their organization long-term. 


Investing in training for entry-level employees creates a more productive workforce. When entry-level employees start off on the right foot with equipment, processes, safety procedures, and more, they’ll be able to work at higher levels of productivity. Not only are they more productive, but they also become a more valuable, agile asset to the organization because they can help reskill and upskill their coworkers. 

An added bonus is that when entry-level employees are given opportunities to upskill and grow within their organization, they’re likely to tell their friends and family, potentially driving more talent to the organization. 

Training directly impacts employee productivity by building a workforce that is well-trained and knowledgeable in the skills needed to succeed in their role. This increase in employee productivity positively affects an organization’s bottom line

Read More: Why Large Organizations Should Be Hyper-Focused On Entry-Level Employee Training

3 Key Training Topics For Entry-Level Employees That Organizations Need To Invest In

Now, you may be wondering — what sort of training areas and skills should entry-level employees be trained in?

Let’s explore three training topics for entry-level employees and examples of training modalities for each topic. 

  • Soft Skills Training Soft skills, such as communication and adaptability, are foundational to an entry-level employee’s success in their role. In fact, 92% of hiring managers say soft skills are more important than technical skills because these skills drive social success and demonstrate how someone will work within a team. 

Virtual reality (VR) training effectively teaches entry-level employees soft skills by allowing them to complete true-to-job scenarios where they navigate different situations and reflect on their experience.

  • Technical Training — Entry-level employees should be given a realistic job preview so they know what to expect starting day 1. Job previews provide employees with an interactive glimpse into their role that helps them determine if they’re a good fit. 

VR training prepares learners for their role by allowing them to complete day-to-day technical tasks in a risk-free environment before stepping foot on the floor. Apart from VR, learners can shadow a coworker on-the-job who holds the same role or a similar role to them. 

  • Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) — Workplace culture is a critical element of an organization. Entry-level employees are more likely to appreciate an organization that welcomes diverse cultures and accurately represents these cultures in training. 

From leadership to entry-level employees, a blended learning D&I training program can help to address issues employees may face at the workplace and cultivate a more inclusive, welcoming workplace for everyone. 

Read More: Immersive Learning At The Workplace With AR And VR: Pros And Cons

Start Investing In Your Entry-Level Employees Today

It’s in the best interest of your organization and workforce to invest in training for your entry-level employees. Not only does a comprehensive training program reduce employee turnover, it also creates a more productive workforce that helps lead to successful operations.

Whether you’re looking to revise your current training or want to implement a new, custom program, we hope that you better understand the value of entry-level employee training and see how it could benefit your organization.

Are you ready to start designing your entry-level employee training program? Book a meeting with one of our experts today and let’s get started!

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